Thursday, March 27, 2008

Nothing still.

I tried again to come up with a solution, but again I failed at creating one.
I think it's about time to consult a forum, or FlashKit... or something, just so I can make some progress in the next few days/weeks/months/rest of the year.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still no luck on my end...

Well, I had minimal success today. I was able to get the guy to turn in every direction and move that way, so he's always walking forward and not sideways (or moonwalking). The part that I didn't have any luck with was the sword button. I kind of screwed it up for now. What has been happening is that he would do the action when the space bar is down, and stop when it is not down. That problem made sense to me, seeing as the code did exactly that. What I want it to do is to play the entire clip and then stop. That way he'd finish his swing and you wouldn't need to hold down the space bar for the entire time. Once I figure that out I can add in other... how should I say... techniques. For example, he thrusts outwards when the the spacebar is pressed and a wide swing when the CTRL button is pressed. It should be interesting. And we've decided that the UP+LEFT movement problem is just a Flash bug. It might be solvable, but not by me. I'll do some looking into that later.

Monday, March 24, 2008

UP and LEFT??

We've made some progress over these two periods. I had to go take Yearbook pictures for almost a whole period (because we are desperately in need of them). What I have created so far is a guy, who's holding a sword, that can walk around and swing the sword.

Basic? yes. Awesome? yes. Useful? sure, why not. The one problem I'm having, however, is that the guy doesn't seem to want to move UP+LEFT when he's swinging the sword. He moves UP+LEFT when he's not swinging it, and he can move in any other diagonal direction while swinging it. It's frustrating, but solvable. Hopefully it wont take too much time to figure out. Meanwhile, Max is working on hit tests. As soon as he can figure it out, we can start making something cooler.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So far, our experiments with Flash have been somewhat successful. We've been able to move a figure in 4 directions (Up, Down, Left and Right) and also rotate the figure in those directions. That was a good feeling to get that done, because when we used Flash before, we weren't able to do that. Now, I have two problems/projects to do. Rotate the guy in the other four directions (between the four ie. UP RIGHT). Max has apparently found out how to do that, but I don't know what's wrong with my current code. It's frustrating... But my other project is to animate the figure when you're pressing a key, but not any other time. That shouldn't be too hard, seeing as we have a trusty resource called It solves most of our questions for us. The one downside is all the examples are in CS3, and I only have MX 2004. Hmmm...

Monday, March 17, 2008

It's back to Flash

Max and I have gotten back into working with Flash, since that seems to be a common interest with the both of us. It seems now, after working with C++ and JAVA that coding ActionScript will be easier. We've already worked out a few problems that came up. One was with a "quit" function and the other was a string problem. First of all here is the "quit" function:


The problem we were having was that you need to run the program as an SWF file. You cannot run the program in Flash. The other problem was just that Max didn't add in a +. When you code for inserting strings into text, you need "Your Text " + isherestring, or something of the sort. It's a lot like JAVA.

Overall... It looks promising.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

C++ get's an F--

I got Microsoft Visual C++, and am so far throughly confused. I guess it will be like NetBeans all over again. I need to find some easy to use instructions on how to actually use VC++. I tried writing a few simple things, but none of them would build correctly.

Confusion is not fun.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Day Back

It's the first day back from a two week vacation (in which I attempted to learn Java) and I'm already having problems. I suppose I should start out this blog entry by explaining what I did before vacation started, since it appears that I did not write something then.
From what I can remember, and looking back at the program I made, I was working with strings. Since I used strings in Java, I can now compare methods. The one difference is that the program I used, NetBeans, has a visual component that Dev C++ does not have. In making the GUI, the program can define variables for you, whereas in Dev you have to define them. It isn't all that hard, however:

int main()
char firstname[50];

That's it. Then you can apply it to the program:

cout<<"Please enter your first name: ";
cin.getline ( firstname, 50 );

This was a fairly successful program. It isn't all that special, but it works the way I want it to, which is the important thing.

Now on to todays doings. I tried to download Microsoft Visual C++ because Max said that it was better and had more tutorials. In conclusion, nothing worked. It stopped responding before anything could even start responding. I'm going to try at home, since it might be something at school. If that doesn't work, Max has a disc with it on it.
While looking for VisualC++, I stumbled upon what's called DarkGDK, which essentially is a game creator/visual graphics additive for VisualC++. That, I believe, would be worth looking into. Even if we don't make any actual games, making an environment would be awesome.

More on this tomorrow.