Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Presentations... with another error

Well, since I haven't had a chance to blog about the presentations of last week, I will do that now, because my computer is having the same old problems with Flash.

Max and I went first. I didn't think we'd have a lot to talk about, but enough to fill 10 minutes for each of us. We did, in fact, have enough to fill about 35 or 40 minutes. We basically talked about everything we've done with Flash. Mostly we mentioned the Key presses, Hit tests and the Money variable.

Alec is working on C.
Zhanar is working on Visual C++.
Nate is working on Java.

All of these were interesting, but I don't have time to expand.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Since it is the new quarter, and we need to start working on our final project, Max and I have decided to split up the jobs. As of last Friday, I have been making maps/environments.

This is just one example, and it happens to be the first place that you are in. Then you travel into the city where you explore for a bit, and move out towards... where ever he's going.

I have been having many problems concerning the Vista/Flash war that my computer decided to conduct. I think I counted 6 crashes and one BSOD. Not very pleasant. One option is to not use my laptop, and just grab a school comp, then use my desktop for outside work... or maybe install XP pro onto my laptop... or keep suffering.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Even the smallest progress is good.

I have made a little progress in my attempts to fix all of my problems. At the moment, I can run my program without any errors popping up, but the sword animation stops when I hit space, instead of playing. Also, when the sword animation is going, the feet animation does not play. When the sword animation is stopped, the feet animation plays. I'm sure there is a solution to this, but it might again be attributed to Vista. I never would have guessed that I would be blaming all of my compatibility problems on Vista. I say this as Flash MX 2004 stops responding...

But, with my new code I might be able to go somewhere with this. Then after I get that fixed, Max and I can collaborate. We should be able to make a decent ga... uh, program, once we start working together.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vista hates Flash

Well, we've ultimately decided that Vista hates Flash, demonstrated by the slowness of opening a movie clip, the 80% chance that it will open correctly when I click the icon, and the whole UP+LEFT problem has now been tagged onto that. Max, who is working on XP here, can make an animation when Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)and move UP+LEFT, but I can't.
As far as making the animation for the sword swinging... I seemed to have devolved on the evolutionary chart. I don't quite remember what I did to to make the animation go, let alone trying to make it so that the animation plays all the way through once the key is pressed. I'm getting errors that I did not have before.