Wednesday, June 4, 2008


It has been decided that we have been studying Flash in the field of GUI for Advanced Mastery of Educational Studies, or G.A.M.E.S. I have been working with Max's player code, which has made my job about 1000x easier. He was able to get a better wall code, one that doesn't have any really large bugs like before, and one that allows you to run along a curved wall (I just wished that we had discovered this before the last week of school). My job now is to put it into effect. I am making a "usable program" that focuses more on a maze style of usability. I guess this could be considered a final project... or at least something better to show an audience. Here is an example of a "level":

Only a few days until presentations... I'm sure we'll be ready by then. We'd probably be ready now, but a little less prepared. Though, our current trend of presenting has been to wing it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I found a site!

I wasn't able to solve my problem, but I did find a good site that will help me solve my problem. This guy really knows what he's doing. I remember that our freshman project for this class we found that Glenn Rhodes was a good source of help. This time, it will be Emanuele Feronato.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today was the first day in a while that I got nothing done. I fruitlessly searched for any sort of help that I could get about good wall code. Of course, with Richard's web filter in place, any site that has "game" in the url is blocked. This is our wall code so far:

_root.player._y = this._y + 14;

This is in the wall itself.

That is where we get the bugs. I want to fix that before the year is over. I guess I'll just have to find help at home, since I can't get it here at school.

The other half of class was spent on Google earth, finding Zhanar's house.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Out on a limb.

So I decided to "break away" from our current project, just temporarily. Since Max decided to tackle the AI for our enemies, I wanted to do things with a more puzzle oriented feel. I started out and things went well. I actually did not have a crash all day for the entire double period on Monday. It was amazing. The day, however, wasn't void of problems. The wall problem that we've always had bugs me, so I am trying to fix it. I had an idea, which I tried quickly, but it didn't work. I think I need to invest more time into it, but checking forums and online sites might be more useful. Getting in touch with people who have solved this problem before is much, much easier. Once I find a good solution, making levels will be a whole lot easier.
Another problem I had is one of those "it should work... but it doesn't" problems. That will be a pain to solve.

Hopefully we will be able to get a working product by the time finals roll around...

...well, something that's worth showing at least. It would be best to have a final product. Something that has a version greater than .4...

Monday, May 12, 2008

We had a project?

This is the first day back to working on our flash project. For the past month we were working on the windmills. I think that it would have been better to work on flash, but Max was the one who initiated the whole "working on this while we're supposed to be working on that" thing. Now we're back to where we were, and I'm still having the same old problems as before. So far, it's crashed about 6 times today. No matter, I've been working on graphics now since Max seems to have a good amount of knowledge of the code. As of today, we are starting to make a "usable program" (because it isn't a "playable game").
Here is the library of things so far:

More to come.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Presentations... with another error

Well, since I haven't had a chance to blog about the presentations of last week, I will do that now, because my computer is having the same old problems with Flash.

Max and I went first. I didn't think we'd have a lot to talk about, but enough to fill 10 minutes for each of us. We did, in fact, have enough to fill about 35 or 40 minutes. We basically talked about everything we've done with Flash. Mostly we mentioned the Key presses, Hit tests and the Money variable.

Alec is working on C.
Zhanar is working on Visual C++.
Nate is working on Java.

All of these were interesting, but I don't have time to expand.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Since it is the new quarter, and we need to start working on our final project, Max and I have decided to split up the jobs. As of last Friday, I have been making maps/environments.

This is just one example, and it happens to be the first place that you are in. Then you travel into the city where you explore for a bit, and move out towards... where ever he's going.

I have been having many problems concerning the Vista/Flash war that my computer decided to conduct. I think I counted 6 crashes and one BSOD. Not very pleasant. One option is to not use my laptop, and just grab a school comp, then use my desktop for outside work... or maybe install XP pro onto my laptop... or keep suffering.